
7 Summer Grilling Tips

 7 Summer Grilling Tips   Food & Beverages 1. Clean That Grill! When was the last time you actually cleaned your grill? We don't just mean a quick scrape after the last cookout, either, but an actual cleaning? A clean, lightly oiled grate and a thorough inspection of the gas burner holes with a toothpick will get your flame burning evenly and cleanly, so your food will cook correctly and without any sketchy additional flavors. 2. Use the Right Fuel If you're lighting your charcoal with lighter fluid, you're doing it wrong. Lighter Fluid becomes part of your food, and charcoal might give it a nice smoky flavor but burns erratically. Instead, use a mix of  briquettes and wood chips and invest in a chimney lighter to get them going. They'll burn more evenly and a lot longer. 3. Pay Attention Aim for the best results so your barbecue will be worth your while. That means paying attention to your cooking. You can still mingle around and chat with your friends and family b